Interview with Mr. Yves DE PUYDT

Based in Provence, the company Tescan is an expert in the characterisation of surfaces and interfaces in materials.
Created in 1993 by researchers specialising in the surface sciences, its purpose is to offer a physico-chemical analysis service for industries. Over 20 years, the company has developed internationally recognised expertise.
Management of the laboratory
“Previously, our company used a system that operated with the aid of MS Excel files and this led to a lot of errors due to the manual entry of data”, Mr. DE PUYDT tells us.
Indeed, the management of clients, price estimates, orders and invoicing was not integrated.
“Today, thanks to AQ Manager LIMS Full Web, our teams benefit from these functionalities which are integrated into one single tool and they are very satisfied with this development.”
Much improved traceability thanks to AQ Manager LIMS Full Web
“The traceability of the samples and analyses carried out is much better than previously thanks to among others the use of different workflows integrated into the AQ Manager LIMS Full Web application. The research and consultation functionalities for archived data – as well as the powerful statistics tools – are precious to us on a daily basis.”
A LIMS that perfectly combines efficiency and ergonomics
“AQ Manager LIMS Full Web is a user-friendly, logical and easy-to-implement laboratory management package”, explains Mr. DE PUYDT.
“In addition to having a LIMS that groups together all our data, our teams are impressed by the possibilities on offer in terms of the generation of dashboards and follow-up tables.”
AQ Manager also means a team that is always at our side
“For the slightest problem, the AQ Manager team is always available to provide us with advice and the after-sales service really is very efficient” he concludes.