Data security, user rights and single sign-on (SSO)

AQ Manager integrates a complete management of the users’ rights thanks to the customization of your groups and profiles allowing :

  • define the access rights for each screen (access, additions, modifications, deletions),
  • filter data by users or profiles,
  • to allow for reports to be produced,
  • provide access to statistical functions and modules.

AQ Manager also offers you the possibility to manage your users by assigning them to your groups and profiles. These will automatically inherit their rights.

AQ Manager’s Active Directory module (Single Sign-On) allows for the automatic creation and deletion of your users through synchronisation with your domain.
This simplifies the management of your users and secures their connection to the application, which is then done by automatic recognition of the person connected to their computer.

AQ Manager has a built-in user log that records all your users’ logins and, in case of fraudulent attempts, automatically blocks user accounts.

Password complexity rules can also be set up in AQ Manager, allowing mandatory renewal conditions to be imposed (every X months, etc.).

Our Audit Trail module also offers you the ability to trace all record changes made in your AQ Manager database, ensuring complete traceability of your data as it is used.


Ce qu’en pense EBRC

Protéger l’accès à vos données grâce à un logiciel complet et riche en fonctionnalités

Une approche axée sur la sécurité pour protéger les données sensibles atténue les cyberattaques tout en répondant aux normes et aux exigences de conformité. Afin de garantir la meilleure gestion de ses informations et données confidentielles, EBRC a opté pour AQ manager GMAO.

“AQ Manager GMAO respecte les normes de sécurité de données CFR 21 part 11 et permet un accès sécurisé à l’application 100 % Full Web. EBRC étant un expert dans ce domaine, il était également naturel que l’on retrouve cet aspect dans votre logiciel.”

We would be delighted to discuss your needs and future plans with you.

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