
AQ Manager integrates complete management of customer invoicing and payment tracking.

Your invoices can be created on demand or automatically when your work is finally validated, based on standard or customised pricing, taking into account the estimates negotiated with your customers.

Customisable electronic signature circuits allow you to define a validation flow for your invoices, and the automatic sending of these by email to your customers.

AQ Manager also includes a payment tracking and scheduling system. This allows you to track all transactions and automatically follow up with your customers in the event of non-payment.

If necessary, credit notes can be created in AQ Manager on the basis of previously generated customer invoices.
An interface can be created with your accounting management tool or your ERP, in order to automatically send the accounting entries of invoices and credit notes generated from AQ Manager.

AQ Manager Dashboard allows you to accurately monitor your billing and payment activity through customisable dashboards.

For example:

  • Turnover per customer per month
  • Total amount billed per month
  • Total amount of late payments
Personne qui utilise l'application Mobile GMAO pour la maintenance des équipements

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